Tuesday, August 18, 2009


hey everybody, my name is tess and i love horses, that is a very important thing you should know about me. and that i live on a farm in nj, and i have 4 horses. my horse Annie, my dads horse mustard, my sisters horse swan, and my stepmom's horse annabelle. we also have a nother horse but he is actually not mine we are just boarding him for someone else. but his name is purple aces, And by the way we did not name any of our horses except annabele.

this is mustard and swan.yes odd names we did not name them

the one with more white on his face is mustard we have had him for about 16 years, but he is about 23 years old. nad th one with less white on her face is swan, she is a an ex-racehorse, they retires her because she was too slow.

this is annabele, another of the horses

Annabelle is 3 years old and we have had her since she was a baby. (i was the first one ever to ride her) she is a huge horse but you cant tell in the picture. she is a thouroghbred and percheron cross.

annie, my horse

this is annie, my horse and she is 12 years old. but i have only had her for a year, i have won 20 ribbons in shows with her and 3 trophies. (her tail looks really short but she was just swishing it at a fly)